Rental, or Hire Association (Europe) is the leading trade association for hire and rental companies in the tool, equipment, plant and event-hire sectors
Hire Association Europe formed as a trade association in 1974 and now represents over 1000 member companies, operating over 3000 hire and rental outlets. Consisting of HAE and EHA, the Association maintains strong partnerships with a number of MPs across all parties, with the aim to highlight the contribution of the hire industry towards business efficiency, skills, economic and environmental goals. This is all part of our focus on raising hire’s profile among parliamentarians and other key decision-makers.
By visiting you will have access to specialist, real-time information in the form of the popular blog from the main Hire Association Europe (HAE) website. You can also follow the HAE on Twitter from this website, and this will give you invaluable information on what's happening right now in the hire industry.
If you are not yet a member, click here and you'll be taken to the main HAE website where you'll find out how to join this great "business partner".
What are the benefits of being a member of Hire Association Europe and Event Hire Association?
Hire Association Europe (HAE) and Event Hire Association (EHA) offer support to member companies to assist in all aspects of running their event and equipment hire and rental businesses. This support even stretches to Insurance services and customer Credit Checking mechanisms at specially negotiated member rates. plays a strategic role in support of the promotion and protection of the hire and rental industry, which provides the members with all the necessary information in the following areas:
- training
- marketing support
- finance and insurance
- health and safety
- legal assistance
- general rental conditions
Hire Association Europe (HAE) provides a wealth of information. For instance, if you are an existing member, you can login to access all the contact information you need depending on your specific Hire requirement.